To find what you seek in the road of life,

the best proverb of all is that which says:

"Leave no stone unturned."

Edward Bulwer Lytton

S60 Avkon UI to be replaced with UI Toolkit QT

As most of us are aware with the beta release of QT for Symbian S60, the plans were clear that S60 and Avkon UI components will be phased out soon. Recently there has been many links and blog posts discussing the same. In fact some has even declared that S60 Avkon will be dead.

However, I feel it will take some time and there will be a transition from Avkon to QT UI Toolkit before S60 Avkon UI is completely abandoned. Also it is said that Symbian 4 will have a binary break and will have a completely different UI framework called Orbit. It has yet not been finalised whether Orbit and S60 will co exists as it depends upon the decision taken by Symbian Foundation and Device Manufacturers.The binary break might not effect the low level engines (not making use of S60 Avkon UI) .

This move is expected to be effective from around mid 2010 with Symbian 4.

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