To find what you seek in the road of life,

the best proverb of all is that which says:

"Leave no stone unturned."

Edward Bulwer Lytton

Solitaire Game Example Source Code for S60 5th Edition

An example game of Solitaire has been released for the S60 5th Edition platform- “This C++ example application demonstrates a fully touch-optimised application using various touch UI features of S60 5th Edition with direct manipulation. Besides tapping the cards, the user can drag and drop them using a finger or the stylus.

The application demonstrates handling pointer events of custom made UI controls. Also, tactile feedback using the Touch Feedback API is received. Double buffering is used to draw on the screen to avoid flickering. By default, the cards are implemented as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) icons, but the example also provides an option to draw them using methods of the graphics context class CWindowGc. In the updated version, major drawing optimisation has been done.

Important classes: CCoeControl, MTouchFeedback, CFbsBitmap, CWindowGc.”